Oskarshamn nuclear power plant - OKG (to the startpage)

Compulsory training for contracted personnel with supervisory duties, required in order to be able to sign for work permits. Completed course is valid in three years.

This training is a common training course for all the Swedish nuclear power plants, SKB and Studsvik and is thus valid for work at all these facilities. The training course is available in Swedish and English. Since the number of training opportunities during the year is limited, you must notify your need in good time. When booking at short notice, we cannot guarantee a place.

Radiation Protection, basic and re-training

The training course is held for two days on site at OKG, at the training facility (UBH), number 15 on the map. Booking via e-mail or telephone +46 76-115 40 55 or +46 76-115 43 71.

Education administration


Tel +46 76-115 40 55
Tel +46 76-115 43 71
