Simpevarp peninsula - a historic meeting
1955 AKK is established with Krångede and Sydkraft as the principal owners.
1959 AKK submits an application for the construction of a nuclear power plant at the Simpevarp peninsula, north of Oskarshamn.
1962 The consortium buys the village of Simpevarp and renovates the houses.
1965 OKG, Oskarshamns Kraftgrupp, is established on 14 July, and an order is placed with ASEA for a reactor with a power of 400 MW.
1966 License is granted by the Government and the construction work commences. The remaining residents in the village move away.
1967 An application for the construction of unit O2 with a power of 600 MW, is submitted.
1969 The Government grants OKG license to build unit O2, and the construction work commences.
1970 Unit O1 is completed and is loaded with the 18 initial fuel assemblies.

1971 Unit O1 is synchronized to the grid for the first time.
1972 Unit O1 is officially opened by His Majesty King Gustaf VI Adolf. A large fire occurs during the construction of unit O2.
1973 An application for the construction of unit O3 with a power of 1,000 MW, is submitted.
1974 License is granted for the construction of unit O3, unit O2 is put into operation.
1977 The Stipulation Act puts a stop to the continued extension of nuclear power.
1979 The accident at Three Mile Island in Harrisburg leads to that a referendum on the nuclear power is demanded for.
1980 The nuclear power referendum is performed. Line 2 wins which means that the previously planned nuclear power reactors are built. The construction of unit O3 and Clab is initiated.

1982 Power uprate of unit O2.
1985 Unit O3 is put into operation. Clab is officially opened.
1986 An OKG proposition regarding compiling the experiences from O1, O2 and O3 resulted in the so called "Tankeförbudslagen" (an act that prohibited any preparations for new reactors in Sweden). The largest nuclear power accident ever occurs in Chernobyl in the then Soviet Union.
1987 An energy resolution is made in the Swedish Parliament concerning a premature nuclear phase-out of two reactors, in 1995 and 1996.
1989 Power uprate of unit O3.
1991 An energy agreement is settled between the parties S, C and FP, which laid down the conditions for the premature phase-out.
1993-95 Project FENIX is performed at unit O1.
1997 An energy agreement between S and C is settled, deciding on the shutdown of Barsebäck 1. At the same time, the year of 2010 is abandoned as the final date for the phase-out.
1999 Barsebäck 1 was shut down on 30 November.
2000 The special production tax on electricity from nuclear power becomes a tax on the thermal power output. OKG pays circa 850 MSEK every year in various taxes.
2002 The modernisation of unit O1 is completed.
2003 An analysis of a possible power uprate at O2 and O3 is initiated.
2004 Project PLEX – the initial stage of the modernisation of unit O2 commences, and O2 turns 30 years old.
2005 OKG turns 40 years old. Barsebäck 2 is shut down on 31 May.

2009 Project PULS – modernisation of unit O3.
2012 40 years ago since the grand official opening of Oskarshamn 1 took place, with His Majesty King Gustav VI Adolf.
2015 OKG turns 50 years old. Decision on premature shutdown of units O1 and O2.

2017 O1 is shut down on 17 June.