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Oskarshamns kärnkraftverk - OKG (till startsidan)

Nuclear Indicators

Uniper is committed to complying with regulations and to continuously drive improvements regarding the management of:

  • Unplanned plant shut-downs

  • Radiation incidents and events

  • Radiation hazard assessment

  • Radiation exposure to both employees and the community

  • Radioactive operational and decommissioning waste

Uniper’s management systems address all of the aforementioned aspects.

Ensuring that nuclear fuel is not used as a weapon or for anything other than its intended purpose is a key part of Nuclear safety at Uniper. In this regard, Uniper is not only committed to complying with regulations but also monitoring the chain of custody of nuclear fuel and applying best practices.

Unplanned automatic shutdowns, scrams

Number of notified events by type according INES Scale

Annual values depend much on the number of refueling outages within the year and are subjected to normal statistical fluctuations.

Dose to representative person in public (mSv/person)

Dose to representative person is calculated from yearly releases to air and water. The dose factors mSv/Bq for 2019 and foreward are calculated according to 5 kap. 2 and 3 §§ SSMFS 2018:1

Collective dose (WANO CRE) (Workers) Sv-Person*

Variations of this indicator depend on the number and lenght of refueling outages within the year. Actions continue to be taken to optimize the collective dose.

Generated and conditioned waste of low and medium activity (1000 kg)

Annual values depend on the number of refueling outages within the year and are subjected to normal statistical fluctuations.

Cumulative spent fuel (tU Initial)*

Cumulative value obviously increases every year and annual value fluctuates annualy because depend much on the number of refueling outages within the year.

2019 means outage 2019. 2020 means outage 2020 etc.

Annual spent fuel (tU Initial)*

Cumulative value obviously increases every year and annual value fluctuates because it depends much on the number of refueling outages within the year.

2019 means outage 2019. 2020 means outage 2020 etc.

Amount of decommissioning waste (1000 kg)